Sunday, November 14

Sunday Run….

Another spectacular day in Maine!  Unusual for mid November, today was the second warm sunny day in a row..  There will be plenty of days where I will be very happy to be deadmilling in the pain-cave, but it would be so hard to run on the deadmill on a day like today.

Still having trouble getting my head wrapped around the intensity thing on the runs.  After 15 marathons in 6 years, I have become comfortable with mixing a long run, tempo run and some speed or hill work to fill my weeks.  This plan has no volume – only intervals and hard ones at that.  Yesterday was a bike - hard FTP intervals, then a run – yeah, more FTP intervals. 

Today was all run, and you guessed it, all intervals.  The MS included 1x 0.5 (3’) then 2x1 (4’) all Z4 @ 7:05. Additional time to fill 50 minutes would be Z3 @ 7:14.  Neither of those paces are easy.  They’re not supposed to be, but man…. I think I need a break. 

At least today I could warmup and get past the Big Apple Hill before I got into my first interval.  That helped some. But the thoughts of quitting the running portion of the EN OS training program keeps running thru my mind.  It’s not that I don’t enjoy intervals and really hard zone 4 efforts.  Heck, one of my favorite speed sessions had always been Yasso 800’s.  but that would only be one day.  The other days I’d do a 8 or 10 mile tempo, 6 mile easy and a 14 mile long run.  With EN every run these past 2 weeks has been interval work, all in zone 4!

Ok, ok, enough whining….. despite my complaints, today’s run went well.  I was close to, but slightly over my target paces.  I think slightly over is better than under – I just hope it doesn’t come back and bite me later.  Details below:

#1 – 0.5 @ 6:58, HR 164, Cd 88
#2 – 1.0 @ 7:02, HR 170, Cd 91
#3 – 1.0 @ 7:01, HR 170, Cd 91

Extra – 1.2 @ 7:11, HR 169, Cd 87

Workout total 6 miles in 46:38 @ 7:52, HR 161, Cd 85

The one reoccurring thought I had was ‘I miss the 14+ mile weekend runs’. 

Tomorrow is an ‘off’ day – no bike and no run.  I will be doing my 100 pushup challenge though.  Today I retested and managed 46 straight.  Just barely good enough to advance to Week 5, Column 3.  At lunch I will need to do 36, 40, 30, 24, then 40+.  I hope my arms don’t fall off in the process……

Run Strong my friends, run strong.


Caratunk Girl said...

I get what you are saying, my longest run has been @5-6 miles, and I miss the long ones too.

Geez, I don't want to arm wrestle you, you are kicking butt on that challenge!

TreeMapper said...

It is tough. Lots of ENers are struggling to keep going and most need to repeat days and weeks just to move forward.