FTP - Functional Threshold Power (theoretical maximal power sustainable for 1 hour)
NP - Normalized Power (progressively weighted average power)
IF - Intensity Factor (roughly equivalent to percentage of FTP)
VI - Variability Index (VI=1 very consistent)
Cd - Cadence (run and bike)
WU - Warm up
CD - Cool down
WAG - Wild Ass Guess
Z1 < 70%
Z2 = 70-75%
Z3 = 80-85%
Z4 = 95-100%
Z5 > 110%
Workout: 3x12 (2') @ z4; 20' @ z3
Description: 3 12 minute intervals at zone 4 effort with 2 minute rest between intervals, then a 20 minute interval at zone 3 effort. WU and CD are added to the beginning and end but are not listed or included in the results (most of the time).